Reading Packages
Standard library
A set of packages are installed when you install Julia. They are stored in the standard library or stdlib (in Linux, they are in /usr/share/julia/stdlib/vx.x , where vx.x is the installed Julia version).
Here is the list:
Base64 CRC32c Dates DelimitedFiles Distributed FileWatching Future InteractiveUtils Libdl LibGit2 LinearAlgebra Logging Markdown Mmap Pkg Printf Profile Random REPL Serialization SHA SharedArrays Sockets SparseArrays Statistics SuiteSparse Test Unicode UUIDs
They are not automatically loaded at the start of a session, so before you can use them, you need to load them as you would do for external packages.
External packages
To add functionality to Julia, you can install external packages from an ever-growing collection developed by the Julia community.
How to find external packages
All registered packages are on GitHub and can easily be searched in JuliaHub or Julia Observer.
GitHub allows to easily get an idea about the popularity of a package (number of stars) and whether it is under current development (age of latest commit).
These packages get installed in your personal library (in linux, it is in ~/.julia ).
How to manage external packages
In package mode (accessed in the Julia REPL by pressing ] ), you can manage your personal library easily with the following commands:
pkg> add <package> # install <package>
pkg> rm <package> # uninstall <package>
pkg> status <package> # status of <package>
pkg> update <package> # update <package>
pkg> status # status of all installed packages
pkg> update # update all packages
- Replace
by the name of the package (e.g.Plots
) - You can use
instead ofupdate
instead ofstatus
- To install, uninstall, or update several packages at once, list them with a space:
pkg> add <package1> <package2> <package3>
An alternative to this convenience mode is to load the package manager (part of stdlib), called Pkg and use it as you would any other package:
using Pkg
Pkg.add("<package>") # install <package>
Pkg.rm("<package>") # uninstall <package>
Pkg.status("<package>") # status of <package>
Pkg.update("<package>") # update <package>
Pkg.update() # status of all installed packages
Pkg.status() # update all packages
- The short forms
do not work in this context - To install, uninstall, or update several packages at once, you need to create an array:
Pkg.add(["<package1>", "<package2>", "<package3>"])
Loading packages
You can load a package with using <package>
(e.g. using Plots